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Continuous symbols

Continuous symbols [Under Information theory > Shannon's paper]

In article, Entropy definition, we defined entropy for discrete symbols as:

H = — K pi log pi

The same can be extended when we have "continuous" symbols (values can be infinitesimally small dx):

H(x) = — p(x) log p(x) dx

More generalised equation would be when x can take any value from — ∞ to ∞ :

To solve above equation, we will need probability distribution, p(x). We know that addition of all probabilities amount to 1 i.e.

p(x) dx = 1

To proceed further, we need to put in a bit of mathematics. Let us take x having limited values, with standard deviation fixed at σ. In such case,

σ2 = p(x) x2 dx

With above two constraints, mathematically it can be shown that maximum value of H(x) is achieved when p(x) is:

Maximum value of H(x) is:

H(x) = log(2πeσ2 ) bits per symbol

(square root is for complete 2πeσ2)

Nyquist states that for reproduction of a periodic waveform, sampling frequency should be at least double the frequency of the waveform. So we have signal of bandwidth W Hz, sampling frequency would be 2W. Taking this as symbol rate, entropy - for information signal having Gaussian probability distribution - in bits per second would be:

H(x) = 2W log(2πeσ2 ) bits per second

That is:

H(x) = W log( 2πeσ2 )

An example of signal having Gaussian probability distribution is white thermal noise.

Standard variation σ denote amplitude values, from our knowledge that energy contained in a symbol of value v is equivalent to v2, we can say σ2 is equivalent to average energy rate i.e. average noise power N (calculated for sufficiently long duration).

So we can say that for a given average power N, white thermal noise has maximum possible entropy of:

H(n) = W log(2πeN)

Above equation belong to page 38, point 9 of Shannon's paper.

References: A Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude E. Shannon, An Introduction to Information Theory by John R. Pierce.

Copyright © Samir Amberkar 2010-11§

Rate in terms of noise entropy « Theory Index » Deducing capacity theorem