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MATrix LABoratory
For me, MATLAB is a mathematical tool that allow me to understand 3GPP PHYsical layer implementation concepts with the help of its "Communication" toolbox.

MATLAB online

MATLAB resources
Best resources to learn and use MATLAB are available on their website (documentation, examples, tutorials, queries-n-answers). To begin with, you may start with below tutorial page

MATLAB tutorials

There is also "Get Started" page.

MATLAB Get Started

Draw a Circle in MATLAB

x = -1:1/100:1; plot(x, sqrt(1 - x .* x)) hold on plot(x, -sqrt(1 - x .* x)) axis equal hold off

Draw a Cylinder in MATLAB

R = 2; N = 10; x = -R:R/N:R; y = sqrt(R*R - x .* x); z = ones(N*2+1,1) * x; z = z'; surf(x,y,z) axis equal hold on Y = -sqrt(R*R - x .* x); surf(x,Y,z) hold off

Draw a Sphere in MATLAB

N = 50; R = 2; theta = 0:pi/N:pi; phi = 0:pi/N:pi; [th, ph] = meshgrid(theta,phi); X = sin(th).*cos(ph); Y = sin(th).*sin(ph); Z = cos(th); surf(R*X,R*Y,R*Z); axis equal hold on surf(R*X,-R*Y,R*Z); hold off


Peek into LTE PHY chain (with MATLAB)


MATLAB simulation of 5G NR DL Data

16QAM constellation diagram

Constellation example with 5G NR

Simulink example

Communication model with Simulink

Quadratic polynomial

%% Quadratic polynomial f(x) = x^2 - 8x + 20 %% with roots: 4 + j2 and 4 - j2 x = 0:.25:6; y = -3:.25:3; [X, Y] = meshgrid(x,y); A = zeros(size(X)); for c1 = 1:size(X,1) for c2 = 1:size(X,2) Number = X(c1,c2) + 1i * Y(c1, c2); A(c1, c2) = abs(Number^2 - 8*Number + 20); end end f_of_x = mesh(X, Y, A); xlabel('real'); ylabel('imag'); zlabel('f(x)');

Discrete-Time Sinusoid

%% Behaviour of Discrete-Time Sinusoid n = -16:1:16; figure(1); tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; w = 0; stem(cos(w*n)); title('ω = 0'); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); figure(2); tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); title('ω = π/2'); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); figure(3); tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); title('ω = π'); figure(4); tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); title('ω = 3π/2'); figure(5); tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); nexttile; w = w + pi/8; stem(cos(w*n)); title('ω = 2π');

Sampling of a sinusoid

%% sampling granularity = 2^12; time = 0:pi/granularity:1; sampling_frequency = 32; number_of_sampling_values = size(time, 2)/sampling_frequency; figure(1); tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; frequency = 1; plot(cos(2*pi*time*frequency)); title("frequency = " + frequency); xticklabels([]); nexttile; cosine_values = cos(2*pi*time*frequency); sampled = cosine_values(1:number_of_sampling_values:end); stem(sampled); title("sampling frequency = " + sampling_frequency); nexttile; frequency2 = 2; plot(cos(2*pi*time*frequency2)); title("frequency = " + frequency2); xticklabels([]); nexttile; cosine_values = cos(2*pi*time*frequency2); sampled = cosine_values(1:number_of_sampling_values:end); stem(sampled); title("sampling frequency = " + sampling_frequency);


%% aliasing granularity = 2^12; time = 0:pi/granularity:1; sampling_frequency = 32; number_of_sampling_values = size(time, 2)/sampling_frequency; figure(1); tiledlayout(4,1); nexttile; frequency = 2; plot(cos(2*pi*time*frequency)); title("frequency = " + frequency); xticklabels([]); nexttile; cosine_values = cos(2*pi*time*frequency); sampled = cosine_values(1:number_of_sampling_values:end); stem(sampled); title("sampling frequency = " + sampling_frequency); nexttile; frequency2 = (sampling_frequency/2) + (sampling_frequency/2 - frequency); plot(cos(2*pi*time*frequency2)); title("frequency = " + frequency2); xticklabels([]); nexttile; cosine_values = cos(2*pi*time*frequency2); sampled = cosine_values(1:number_of_sampling_values:end); stem(sampled); title("sampling frequency = " + sampling_frequency);

Discrete-Time Convolution sum

%% Discrete-time Convolution sum sample_n1 = 0:1:8; unit_impulse_reponse = [ 0 0 1 2 3 0 1 0 0]; input_signal = [ 0 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 0 ]; convolution_sum = conv (input_signal, unit_impulse_reponse); sample_n2 = 0:length(convolution_sum)-1; figure(1); subplot(3,1,1) stem(sample_n1, input_signal) title('Input signal') subplot(3,1,2) stem(sample_n1, unit_impulse_reponse) title('Unit impulse response'); subplot(3,1,3) stem(sample_n2, convolution_sum) title('Convolution sum i.e response to input signal');

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